Wizard Publish


Frequently Asked Questions.

What type of webshop is WizardPublish.com?

WizardPublish is more than a webshop, rather an individual online marketplace for ebooks and other intellectual works, where both authors and retailers can upload their products and sell them.

What products can appear on wizardpublish?

Intellectual works, typically e-books, studies.

Is the use of the site subject to registration?

No, shopping and product browsing can also be used without registration.

What are the benefits of registration?

To take full advantage of the site’s benefits, registration is required. By registering, you can create your own seller or reader page.

How do I sell on the site?

By registering on the site, you can sell your own intellectual works (typically ebooks or studies) or other intellectual works with the appropriate permissions.

Can I sell my ebooks without an ISBN?

Yes. A book’s International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a registration code for books. If your book does not have an ISBN, our system will automatically generate a 10-digit number (WPSIN) as a product identifier. In the case of your book has an existing ISBN, it will also act as the product’s identifier, so our system will use this as the product identifier.

How can I sell my first book on WizardPublish.com

  • Create a Vendor account on Wizardpublish.com
  • Figure out your order fulfillment method
  • Set book pricing
  • List your first book
  • Promote the book online

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